"I have now been on three Self Care Courses, and I truly believe they are invaluable for any women.
When I first did the Self Care course, I was unsure what to expect and the idea of self care was foreign to me. However, it soon became apparent that this was exactly what I needed in my life. The time allowed of two and half days was amazing and opened space to really dive deep into what self care is in a more feminine way. The course content is thorough and Samar brings every part of herself to the course. Her intellect, knowledge and support is limitless. The practical tools given for self care are truly nourishing with a great and informative back up of anatomy and physiology to really understand how the tools relate to the body.
The course allowed me to dive deep into a connection with myself. For me the real diamond in doing this course is that I realised through opening up a deep connection with myself through self care, I felt more connected to everything - nature and people. I walk away every time feeling deeply nourished, connected and wanting to care for myself on a much deeper level than I had ever known previously.
Thank you so much Samar for this course offering and being an amazing facilitator for women."
A.D., Auckland, New Zealand
"I have been coming to QOYA now for about five months and I absolutely love it! Yes, I was a bit nervous on my first class as I really had no idea what to expect, but I soon discovered that it was such a safe space made by beautiful women with an amazing teacher. I really had nothing to worry about. I came away from the class thinking WOW! Every woman should try this. I was so excited that I had found something that truly resonated with me and I couldn't wait to come back for more. The freedom of really being able to let go and move my body however I wanted has been a wonderful experience. There's something about the movement/dance/ritual that has really helped me release, transform and evolve. Oh, and I did I mention that class are so much fun?! Samar is one of the best facilitators I know and holds such a sacred space. I am grateful for her and these QOYA classes.
Additionally, I have been a client with Samar for about nine months. I have so much respect for her and the work she does. I love coming to see her and I love learning from her. Its been an amazing journey and it is still is. I have been in and out of practitioners offices for various reasons for many, many years and Samar has an ability like no other that I have been to. She is so gifted and special, truly sincere and genuine and offers the most amazing support.
After some sessions and learning how to do the Self-Care massage, as well as reading Tami Kent's book 'Wild Feminine', I felt drawn to have an internal pelvic massage with Samar. I have always suffered from a sore lower back and have had a rotated hip that juts out. It was also clear that I had inflammation around my sacrum, like a pocket of fluid that you could actually physically see.
The results after one session were amazing. The pelvic massage combined with some sacral work has been astonishing. I haven't had lower back pain since. My hip is much more aligned and there is no inflammation!! Being quite a personal procedure, one might feel anxious but Samar is so comforting and professional in her approach that I felt totally relaxed and safe."
A.D., Auckland, New Zealand
"I came to my first session with Samar feeling fairly balanced in most of my life. But I still had heavy bleeding and aching with the arrival of my period, and a feeling of total exhaustion and irritability. I was hoping Samar could help me prevent the extreme pain of my pre-baby periods from returning, which it was starting to do.
During the first session, Samar gave me some of the lovely Maya abdominal massage, and we could both feel my uterus had been sitting way off to the left and tilting forward, meaning my uterus literally had to push uphill every time I menstruated. No wonder it was exhausting! One session of massage plus the ongoing self-care routine Samar gave me meant that with each of the following periods my bleeding was less heavy, less clotted, brighter red and fast! It went from five days to three days long. I also noticed by the third month that I felt light and re-energized by the second day of my period which is amazing!
Now, three months later, I have just had my second session with Samar, who confirms that my uterus is in a healthy position and my body is healing and adjusting well. I am feeling fabulous, and I expect my next pregnancy and labor will be much easier than the last one because everything is balanced and in line.
If you feel liked you'd like to improve your uterine, menstrual or menopausal health, or you would like to have a baby or if you have already had a baby, I HIGHLY recommend having at least one session with Samar. Its like a Warrant of Fitness and Full Service for your female reproductive system - a very important part of our bodies that we too easily ignore.
Samar is a wonderful healer, teacher and guide. You are in safe hands.
Thank you Samar."
N.H., Auckland, New Zealand
"I have been a long time (and very grateful) client of Samar in her amazingly beneficial bodywork practice. I have also been blessed to to take Samar's Self-Care class, which has literally be life-changing for me. Therefore in late 2014, when Samar mentioned that she would be integrating pelvic massage, which she learned from Tami Kent in Portland, into her practice, and had only a few openings before her holiday break, I seized the opportunity to sign up. Thankfully, I was able to receive four treatments. The results have been simply spectacular.
By way of background: I am a sixty-five year old woman who has not been in a relationship nor sexually active for some years. Nearly everything I have read in the popular press reinforces the idea that, at my age, all my 'female systems' are inexorably declining, withering away, caving in, drying up (you get the message) and that I'd best submit to it with courage and endurance that age might as well confer! Nonsense, I have discovered! After only four sessions of pelvic massage with Samar, I have experienced tone, vibrancy and function that I have not felt in years. In addition, life issues came up in the sessions, and because I was now aware of their influence, I was able to address adverse conditions physically, emotionally and spiritually. I obtained Tami Kent's books from Samar and I now do pelvic massage for myself. I cannot describe what a blessing this has all been. The techniques are very simple and safe, and yet powerfully transformative. I recommend this very special offering to other women of any age and condition. Live in hope. Seize the day! "
A.K., Auckland, New Zealand
Holistic Pelvic Care™ & Holistic Pelvic Energy™
"I went to Samar for bodywork, which was very helpful. I had regularly suffered from menstrual cramps. Since the treatment, I felt a big difference and had absolutely no pains any more. This work improved my quality of life, as I do not need to worry anymore about pains during menstruation. I can recommend Samar's treatment wholeheartedly."
A.P., Germany
"Thank you for introducing me to this work. I have had chronic pain and irregular, uncomfortable cycles following a car accident about twenty years ago. I have tried MANY natural therapies to address the pain and the irregularity. So far, the results of the Mayan massage and herbs have been the longest lasting! My chronic sacral pain has not returned six months after my three treatments. After the treatment my cycles started without discomfort. My cycles have also stayed regular for months following a one month course of herbs. Thanks for bringing this work to New Zealand. Keep it up! "
E.H., Colorado, USA
"I found Samar's contact information because I was looking for a holistic pelvic care practitioner to see before I tried to conceive. I am so grateful to have the opportunity to meet her and be blessed with her offerings. I had a wonderful session with her that increased my connection to my pelvic bowl and I had a feeling of lightness after. Also, she gave me so much valuable information. I am now pregnant with my first child and have been feeling great! Lots of love and light."
H.L., Canada
"Having been diagnosed with endometriosis since my early twenties, managing pain just become a way of life for me. I never knew if I was going to experience tiredness, bloating or a full on attack that saw me vomiting and eventually passing out with the pain. Over the years I have seen health professionals who wanted me on the contraceptive pill or prescribed painkillers to manage the one and a half painful weeks out of every month of my cycle. From time to time I would come off the pill to give my body a break and to see if things had improved in any way. It wouldn’t be long before the same old symptoms would appear and the pain would see me confined to bed with a myriad of pain killers. After spending many years overseas, I returned to New Zealand in June this year and it wasn’t long before my family experienced one of my attacks. This led my sister to take action!
She had recommended I visit Samar as she had experienced some wonderful results for a condition called interstitial cystitis – also known as painful bladder syndrome. I must admit I was very skeptical but my sister has a rather persuasive approach and it wasn’t long before I had made contact with Samar. I could not believe that after one session with Samar that I got through my next cycle completely pain free and without the need for any pain relief. I just didn’t think the results would be instant. Four months on and I am still off the contraceptive pill and experiencing over 95% in pain reduction and without the need to rely on any medication!!
I would encourage anyone who is living with this debilitating condition to contact Samar and let her show you how to get your life back. Samar - you are the 'real deal'. You are authentic, and a genuine person who really cares about the welfare of others. You are a gift to us all!"
K.M., Auckland, New Zealand
"Samar has been a hugely helpful guide along my path of healing. She is very kind, gentle and strong. She creates a safe space for sometimes difficult or painful issues to come up and be recognized. On a physical level, I've found the Mayan Abdominal Massage and other techniques very helpful with hormonal issues and interstitial cystitis. On a spiritual level, she is truly gifted and has picked up on some very deep things from my and my family's past that I was then able to deal with and release. I've had movement in areas of my life that I haven't been able to get with other forms of healing. I would highly recommend her to any woman of any age, whether or not she is facing health or emotional challenges, just to learn the abdominal massage self-care techniques. I've confidently recommended her to friends and will continue to do so."
W.N., Auckland, New Zealand
"Attending Samar’s workshop on “Self Care” was one of the best life experiences that I have had. I came away from the workshop with a much deeper understanding of an ancient civilization and their medicinal practices. Samar skilfully and lovingly guided the participants through many innovative and powerful exercises. We explored the Mayan abdominal massage; a very powerful technique which once learned can be implemented in one’s daily life. The insights gained in this workshop will not only expand your knowledge but will empower you to facilitate your own healing. Thank you, Samar, for your wisdom, your courage and most of all your earnest desire to help others. I take away with me lifetime lessons."
M.N., Auckland, New Zealand
"It is difficult for me to quantify or put into words just how much Samar has guided me on my path. She has helped me to reinstate a level of personal health and well-being that I did not think possible. After years of relying on pharmaceuticals, she showed me my body's innate power to heal with the help of Arvigo massage, herbs and other therapies. I have broken the bounds that pills had on my life. When I thought things were hopeless, she gave me hope and the result was nothing short of a miracle, putting my infertility fears to rest. I will always consider her my guardian angel and am grateful that our lives managed to intersect."
D.K., Vancouver, Canada
"For five years I had been experiencing indigestion, chronic constipation and fatigue and I had been medicated for these issues. After seeing Samar for only one session I have had regular bowel movements daily, in a way that is hard to comprehend after having such trouble previously. Along with this, I have gained more energy and a greater sense of freedom and respect for my abdominal area. Samar heals with much love and great knowledge. It really is a beautiful experience. I feel so blessed to have worked with Samar. You do not just walk away
with only the benefits from one session as Samar guides you with tools that enable you to carry out your own practice daily. Just one session with Samar greatly changed my health and well-being. I continue to see Samar for massage and healing and my amazement at the benefits continues. It's totally awesome!
I have also had several spiritual baths with Samar. They are an extremely uplifting and cleansing experience, which is also very hard to explain. Each time I have had profound insights on issues and have experienced a cleansing effect of my thoughts and patterns that for years would not budge. The healing powers of a spiritual bath allow me to grow, believe, and live lightly."